Owl Central is excited to host our first Premier! Event! Join us on Saturday, April 26th to get your first taste of Alliance Insight!
Each player will receive 5 Alliance Insight boosters, a field center, as well as be entered into a raffle for an Alliance Insight playmat! This raffle will be done after Round 3!
Everyone will be paired for an amount of swiss rounds equal to the number of players we have:
4-8: 3 Rounds
9-16: 4 Rounds
17-32: 5 Rounds
33-40: 6 Rounds
Each round will be best of three, and 45 minutes long! We cannot wait to celebrate this set release with you all!
For any questions regarding event details, please message Owl staff on our Discord Server, reach out on Facebook, or send us an email at events@owlcentralgames.com