Owl Central is excited to announce the return of Gym Leader Challenge to the store! This alternative format for Pokemon is a fantastic way to show off your favorite types, and really personalize your deck!
The rules for GLC are simple. Pokemon in your deck can only be of your chosen type. For example, if you are a Fire gym leader, you can only have Fire Pokemon in your deck. The format is singleton, which means you can only have one of each card in your deck, besides basic energy cards. All Pokemon in your deck cannot have a Rules Box, which means no Pokemon V/GX/EX/Radiant etc. Owl will even have a few decks to loan out if you are unable to build your deck beforehand!
Players will be paired in 4 best of one rounds, with each round being 35 minutes long. Each player will receive their $10 back in store credit, and will receive a Pokemon Prize Pack!
For any questions regarding event details, please message Owl staff on our Discord Server, reach out on Facebook, or send us an email at events@owlcentralgames.com