We have a very important announcement to make regarding our Legacy $5k that was scheduled for Saturday, July 20th.

After long in-depth discussions between our events team, store leadership, and entrenched Legacy players, we have come to the following conclusion. Due to the current state of Legacy and the sentiment of local and regional Legacy players, our event is likely to not live up the expectations that previous events have set for quality, competitiveness, and attendance. That’s why we have decided to cancel the event at this time.

It is clear that the greater Legacy community feels that Wizards of the Coast should have banned Grief from Legacy for the health of the format. This feeling has created a lot of discourse, the majority of which has been around how players will be shying away from Legacy until the next B&R announcement in August. This, along with other major Legacy events in the region, indicate to us that our event will likely be the one many players choose to forgo.

We have not come to this decision lightly and it truly pains us to have to go in this direction. We did look at a variety of alternative options, and concluded that this option was the best, despite its numerous downsides. For the sake of transparency and understanding, we did look at the possibility of rescheduling this event until after the next B&R announcement or running the event with a custom modified banlist where Grief was banned.

Between the dense Modern RCQ season ahead, in which we’ve already committed to three qualifiers, and the inevitable misunderstandings and “feelbads” surrounding a custom banlist format, we came to the conclusion that neither of these options were feasible for us to choose in solving the problem that we are facing.

We hope that this transparency helps to explain the thought process behind this decision. We still believe in our Legacy $5k’s as being a marquee event that we will continue to host a couple of times a year. With this cancellation, we are incredibly motivated to find a new opportunity to host this event as soon as we feel confident in the event’s success.

If you were one of the handful of pre-registrants, we are already in the process of refunding you on your entry fee. In place of our Legacy $5k, we are hosting our typical Legacy monthly event, who’s payout is based on record and does not feature a cut to single-elimination rounds. Anybody who had already pre-registered for the Legacy $5k via our website will be offered free entry into this event. While not the high-stakes, competitive event that we were hoping to run, we encourage anyone who is still hoping to scratch their Legacy itch to join us for this event.

We thank everyone who has shown support for this event and hope that you can join us for our next Legacy $5k endeavor that we aim to host in the not too distant future.