This past Saturday was our debut Modern RCQ of Season 3, Round 2. Featuring a bevy of competitors from all walks of life, our tournament had everyone vying for one of two qualifying slots for the early 2025 Regional Championship in Portland and Charlotte. After our Swiss rounds, we landed with a Top 8 featuring Owl regulars, regional tournament grinders, and even first time Top 8’ers. Check out what these 8 competitors brought to the table below!

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Top 2 – Dimir Frogtide (Austin Mullins)

Top 2 – 4c Omnath (Alexander Knopf)

Top 4 – Bant Nadu (Nathaniel Hoffman)

Top 4 – Ruby Storm (William Warning)

Top 8 – Mardu Energy (Adam Sensenig)

Top 8 – Merfolk (Tom Hughes)

Top 8 – Dimir Shadow (Ben Hatch)

Top 8 – Dimir Frogtide (Ryan Buck)

We are super excited to see who dominates during our two other Regional Championship Qualifiers coming up on September 14th and October 19th. Will it be you? Make sure to mark your calendars and preregister for our upcoming events to secure your seats.